Friday, September 28, 2007

(i wana go to this place again)
It doesn't reali pays to dream of the same person for the past month.. n actuali able to sleep only after 6am n dreaming abt dat person.. y after 6 am.. cz i keep tossing and turning hoping not to dream of dat person again.. of all ppl... sheesh.. i nid a life.. can someone bring dat to me..
haiqal's alter ego:mepek bodoh nie bdk nk step emo.. krg jgn lyn dia buat bodoh.. tk perlu simpati krg si dia nie.. pegy mampus gan dia.. hahah..
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Name:Diannah aka Nana Lychee
Age:Coming 19
School:Republic Poly
Catch Phrase:"Rarr"(go figure ppl)
OK PPL...someone was bugging me abt not updating my blog.. so y not i update abt her ya.. hahahaha..(she so gona kill me even though we haven met..LOL)
So how did i met diannah here.. hmm.. ouh.. its all thx to ayul.. he wan me to knl2 wif some duno which gerl from young hotness.. so i dun mind lor.. at ferst din tot i would actuali chat wif her as frequent as i am i tot she would be jz another gerl dat jz add den keep quiet..phfft.. ahahaha... but somehow rather her seowness actuali made me pm her n we tok ever since.. n i dun crap as much wif u guyz as much as i crap wif her.. wahahahahaha... i be saying im bored n she will go,"u forever".. n she be saying she's hungry or tired n i would reply the same.. hahaha... everytyme chat wif this gerl ah conferm tok abt random stuff... dat tyme tok abt bubble tea.. hahaha.. starwaberry milk tea rocks ehk diannah.. phfft.. hahaha... so im currently bored n dunno wat to say oready.. diannah would be so please to see me blog abt her.. wahahahahaahaha.... im bored la....!!! kill my boredom.. better yet kill me..~
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
i wana go out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i got stuffs to do n things/ppl to ignore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
These ppl reali wants me to update my blog... haiyo.. so here goes..
1. The person who tagged you is - Yenny 'Nurul' Christina..=)))
2.Your relationship with him/her is - My dancemate n a place to go to whether it be bullying her or jz consulting her..=)))
3. 5 impressions you have of him/her - Conscious,Near attentive,Funny(at tymes),Serious? n of course Slenger at tymes too..=)))
4.The most memorable thing he/she has done for you - i duno.. doesn't seem to have one ryte now...=)))
5. The most memorable words he/she has said to you - "was dat suppose to be a joke? cz im laughing"...=)))
6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will - run ard wlds shouting how can a gerl lyke nurul lyke me... hahahah...
7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be - her insecurities abt trusting guys..=)))
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will - block her in msn n avoid her in every way dat i can..
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be - a case of miscommunications
10. The most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is - i duno..teach her toprocks?
11. Your overall impression of him/her is - A great person who is comfortable to be wif..(not dat kind to be wif..)
12. How you think people around you will feel about you? - wacky yet stubborn..u gals should noe.. lol..
13. The characteristic you love about yourself is - im patient?
14. The characteristic you hate about yourself is - gives up easily...
15. (the most ideal person you want to be is) myself?
3. Alep
5. Yenny
6. Ayul
7. Izza darlz
8. Sheila darlz
9. Syakira
10. Siti Farianna Nurbain
(Who is no.6 having a relationship with?) No one..for now..
(Is no.9 a male or female?) - Female.
(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) - Dat would be awfully awkward.
(What is no.2 studying?) - presition engineering.
(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?) -6 hrs ago.
(What kind of music does no.8 like?) - r&b,pop.
(Does no.1 has any siblings?) - Yeap.
(Will you woo no.3?) - He' my cousin for god sake... n im straight..sheesh..
(How about no.7?) - She's my darlz.. cant woo her.. hee..
(Is no.4 single?) -nope.
(What’s the surname of no.5?) - none.
(What’s the hobby of no.4?) - dancing,singing.
(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?) - yea. dey're dancemates.
(Where is no.2 studying at?) - ITE Balestier
(Say something casual about no.1) - She's random.
(Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?) - Nope.
(Where does no.9 live?) - Marsiling.
(What colour does no.4 like?) - duno. ask him after his ferst two weeks of ns..
(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) - dey're close frens orite.. dance mates even..
(Does no.7 like no.2?) - dey duno each other.
(How did you get to know no.2?) - thru my cousin no. 4...
(Does no.1 have any pets?) - yes. Ayul. hahahahaha..u noe i noe..
(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?) - no. jessica alba is the sexiest person in the world next to my mum..
tiring sia update.. sheesh.. dun u guys give me another of this tag game again.. well,i dun mind actuali.. at least derez something to update.. hahaha..
Sunday, September 09, 2007
First Of All I Would Like To Thanked Mastura Anuar,My Random Jedi,For Actually Making The Effort To Change My Freaking Blogskin...
So yesterdae(8/9/07),i was sound asleep as i came back in the morning from lepak at titanic wif the normal ppl dere.. den alep called me.. ask where i was going ltr on.. so i said got a soccer match.. so jz ask him to join the fushan team.. blah blah blah... went jurong to play.. yenny msged last minute got practice.. but i had soccer match.. nothing can be done dere.. had a fight for a moment in the field with their body builder striker.. yea.. the guy was lyke pulling my shirt n shoving me away but he forgot i too have muscles.. lol.. so i was lyke elbowing his stomach leaving the ball dere.. hahah... but ok ah.. got warning only by referee.. so after dat rushed to wlds.. went to aidil's house to get the baju kurung n off we went to siti's kenduri.. yea.. n lyke i said,anything for u siti.. hahah.. so was ALONE in siti's house.. paisey abes.. siti tok to me ONCE in a while.. den she packed the food for me b4 i went off.. awww.. so sweet.. lol.. but too bad i din get to watch her perform her silat 2dae at taman warisan.. sori siti.. maybe i watch in tv ok? haha.. and am still waiting for siti to reply.. ibarat kn tunggu buah kelapa jatuh.. haha..
so 2dae.. woke up in teh morning wif eye wax on my eyes.. tot i had sore eyes lyke the rest.. but i din.. lol.. hahahaha.. tkkn kene la.. anyway,practice in teh morning... watched the whole event.. performed.. paisey cz the dome ppl was watching n shouting,"longkang!!" hahaha.. so everything was ok.. went my aunt place after dat n den met the rest again at titanic.. played taiti n watched mastura anuar get 'tossed'.. lol.. den went home.. had a great shower.. now on the comp..dats abt it..
joke of the dae.. wat literallt goes ard and comes ard? a cyckist riding his bicycle in circles..lame...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
so ya.. jz a link of a fren of mine name siti.. most ppl call her fianna... but i jz stick to siti.. she's a schoolmate n we tok now n den.. its a link of her karaoke-ing wif english songs.. jz check it out..
Saturday, September 01, 2007
hey2.. let tok abt from 31st august-1st september..
so was woke up in the morning by the old secondary school frenz.. they called me.. cz they were at school oready for teacher's dae.. n i was lying on the floor sleeping.. hahah.. so met them up at causeway point at 1.. n at 1 i had practice but i hecked care... lol.. so met up wif fadzrul,budi,aidil n the main four which is afiq,aidi n redha.. wan dunno go hwere.. dat guy ah.. haiz.. anyway we went to banquet for lunch.. n i met izza darlz dere!!!! wahahha.. we hugged each other like as if we've been away for a long tyme wen it was jz a month ago.. din get to see sheila darlz.. sedih.. met zima and danial oso.. after we eat i smoked wif izza,n danial..
den went back up redha ask to teman him smoke.. i smoke again.. lol.. after dat went to cc wif afiq redha n aidi..aidi din wat to go actuali.. but we brainwashed so at cc met mastura n syazwan.. lol.. pardon the full name.. hahahah.. den went studio.. the rest came n we practiced for this sundae performance..after dat i went off home to packed my bag to go to hizwan's(ash) hous.. met mastura n hizwan n syazwan at burger king.. they ate.. alif and fathurahman came late cz fathurahman forget to pack his bag.. den both of them came.. went to dome cz my lil sis tasha had turned 15.. so i bought her choco milk dat she always will have everytyme i see her.. haha.. den break wif lmq for awhile den went to hizwan's house..
at hizwan's house.. let see.. ferst we lie down rilek ferst.. den we ate.. den we smoke while learning how to shuffle.. went back in n have a rembat competition to mastura.. me fathurahman n alif wack her wif pillows.. lol.. den we went 7-11 to buy poker cards.. n we made full use of the cards.. we played 'ape'(similar to donkey) wif it,UNO, taiti,police n thief.. it was all fun la.. loser had to taste dis sour liquid which i bought at 7-11.. n its reali sour.. hahahahah... den got another rembat competition.. den the loser of police n thief had to do forfeit.. shall not elaborate on dat... den we played heart attack... hizwan was reali frek out cz scared he get den smoke now n again.. i was having my flu back.. so lied down.. the last thing i remember b4 i fell asleep was ,mastura,fathurahman n alif playing chi koh pak.. loser had to be slapped at their thigh... n they were screaming thier asses off.. hahha.. went i woke up everyone was asleep.. den i remembered suppose to meet cik hasnah in the morning.. quickly msged her saying sori.. haha.. den slept again.. my dad called me.. lyke loud siren he nag... staright away went home den.. n now i cant go to the bboy jam i look forward to from july cz y.. its my aunt's befdae.. big phfft... n i dun have ten bucks to go inside anyway.. but i could jz ask..
gez dats abt it.. n ppl.. do not msn wif ur hp.. cz its damn tiring....