Tuesday, October 23, 2007
hey.. updating now since my bidadari blow off the magic dust here.. haha..
so im at my fren's house now.. ltr got climbing training.. cant wait.. haha.. all those fun tymes.. yeyeah!!!
anyway my schedule:
27th october-Climbaprix(Open Category)
28th october-performance in wlds,workshop with SFB at wlds cc,SFB gig at wlds cc 7-10
31st october-bbq befdae for kee..damn dat guy..haha..
2nd november-watch play at duno which poly dis certain fren of mine ask to watch
3rd & 10th november-performance at novena
24th november-Bboy comp 2 on 2 at RP
ok i've updated.. start tagging ppl!!!!!!
Monday, October 08, 2007

Hey ho ppl... so ya.. 2dae's update will be abt Yenny 'Nurul' Christina.. y nurul? cz i see her face lyke a 'nurul' face n been calling her dat ever since.. hahah.. so ya.. let's see... hmmm... b4 i actuali know her.. i've seen her now n den wif dance grps.. not dat sure which dance grp she was from cz i couldnt care less.. haha.. n it din even cross my mind to even get to noe her ok.. haha.. so finally noe her wen i ferst watch doe urban aura's performance in sengkang.. so tok no n de.. den came to the teaching me how to dance part.. i still remember nurul trying to teach me hw to shake.. lol.. den another dae it was my turn to teach her how to break.. peculiar though abt her baby freeze.. its weird.. lol.. haha.. so we got to noe more abt each other thru msn n outings n all... den eventually in the same dance grp.. n been lyke dat ah.. i still remember the chocolate smudging in sentosa.. dat ws the 'best' thing i did to her.. haha.. so 2dae.. yenny 'merajuk wif me.. haha.. y? cz ferst,i said i wana smoke till half stick den give her but eventually forgot n it was the last puff.. feel so bad siol.. haha.. den i keep beating her in the game of taiti.. lol... den i make a remark ending wif a bodoh.. i was practically pleading to her sia.. haha.. but i got my jz desserts back wen her earpiece flew n hit my head.. hahah.. so the pictures are all editted by me a few months ago.. she has them all ok.. dun tink i edit n keep.. urgh.. anyway.. see how bad she bit me after i smudge her wif chocolate.. haha.. so gez dats the end of it.. chalo bete..
Saturday, October 06, 2007
I've been upseting a lot of ppl lately wif this bloody mouth n tots of mine... i duno.. sometymes i jz sae w/o the intention to actuali hurt dem.. it was all remarks for me.. well,for me dat is.. but some may took it personally.. n im so dumb enuf not to tot abt dat cz i jz say wat i wana say cz i noe it wun hurt them in anyway.. but gez i was wrong.. dead wrong.. i duno.. i talk to a lot of ppl.. n a lot of ppl tok to me.. n yet... where did i go wrong.. maybe im not suppose to be anyone of u ppl's life... cz im not needed in the ferst place.. a world w/o me would had been much better n all this would not have happen..
Friday, October 05, 2007



TOdae was one of those better daes in my life.. n somehow it seems dat everytyme i wif my climbers it had always been a better dae.. lol..
so din get much sleep.. in the morning the damn home phone was ringing.. i ignored.. den my hp wif msges.. i ignored.. its fucking irritating cz i needed the freaking sleep.. n iactuali throw the house keys from my bedroom to the gate so my brother can open the door.. the msges still came in.. urgh.. den came one msg from aidi who is the befdae boy for todae... haha.. he msg wen,"tit tit tittit tit tit.. white ranger.. we're meeting at 5pm city hall.." hahah.. darn dat guy.. so i was lyke ok.. woke up ard 3 plus.. bath n all.. took money from my mum.. n actuali wore white cz im the 'white ranger'.. hahaha..
surprisingly wen i reach city hall,elroy was wearing black,zaini wearing green,aidi wearing blue.. came to noe aidi gave a arnger colour to each of us n we became the power rangers of the dae.. lol.. darn dat guy again.. aidi's gf cae too(wearing light blue=mrs. blue ranger) n izza(wearing orange which i dun recall any power rangers being dat colour)... so me n elroy had a long wait from 5 to 5.50 for everyone to arrive.. janji melayu btol.. me n elroy janji maksaleh.. wth.. so we went to lau pa sat to break our fast..
so at lau pa sat... we sat ard the food court ferst b4 proceeding to the road to eat.. ordered satay n all the friedrice.. haha.. the bought the cake ltr on for aidi.. haha.. so we break our fast.. took a lot of pictures wif the cake.. n aidi pic wif fateha(his gf) was so sweet.. lol... so me n elroy was like,"wen's our turn".. hahah... tok crap laugh here n dere den we went to marina square to buy aidi's present..
as we proceeded at the undergrd pass at raffles.. we came a cross dis green colour tiled floor which was so big.. n elroy couldnt resist taking pictures.. so we took loads of pictures.. fateha was laughing her ass out watching us.. haha.. so many poses so little tyme.. LOL.. den we were on our way..
so we reach marina square.. went to topshop cz zaini wants to buy aidi a shirt n will buy the same too.. so we were worse den gerls.. lol.. we took loads of shirt from the rack.. wen to the fitting room.. n tried the shirts on.. we took turns trying on all the shirt.. haha.. but too bad i cant buy any of them..:((( zaini n aidi got an orange shirt wif the buttons.. elroy bought the brown shirt.. den suddenly fateha n izza came wif aidi's new slippers!!! haha finally.. an ew pair of slippers.. n fateha bought the same shirt lyke elroy's for aidi.. i was so effing jeles lor everyone got new shirt.. hahah.. den we proceeded to swensens!!!
so at swensens.. we had the earthquake ice cream.. hahah.. delicious.. haven had ice cream for a long while.. aidi got a free sundae cz it was his befdae.. dar again to dat guy.. haha.. so we got water spilled by izza.. ice cream going insode my plain water n pepper consumed by zaini.. hahha.. den went to the toilet at city link.. n more camwhore.. LOL... den we went our separate ways.. i insisted on aidi sending fateha home cz i can go home alone but seems the gf refuse.. awwwww..... hahha.. so went back wif aidi.. slept the whole journey.. den accompany aidi buy topup card for his fon.. den we went off.. n im here at home.. yay.. duno ltr wana go lepak or not..
Thursday, October 04, 2007
i seriously duno wat to update cz a lot of things had been bothering me.. a lot a lot.. from the persistent dreaming of dat one person for a MONTH n the challenges in life i must face..
Choices are made in dis world..
One way or another..
Waiting is wat everyone does every single second of their life...
One way or another...
Shit happens to everyone..
One way or another..
Beautiful memories will jz stay n nvr go away..
One way or another..
Everyone cries because of everyone..
One way or another..
U guyz are irritated by the one way or another..
One way or another..
Jz random stuffs..
One way or another.....................
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Layer 1: On the outside
Name: Muhammad Haiqal Bin Abdul Mutalib
Birthdate: 19th December 1989
Current Status: Single and Available
Eye colour: Brownish Black
Hair Colour: Black
Layer 2: On the inside
My heritage: Javanese and Malay
My fears: Losing People In my Life
My weaknesses: Gerls crying,Ppl in nid of help,my nose
My perfect pizza: Loads of cheese and pepperoni!!!
Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My first thought of waking up: Y dream of dat person again
My bedtime: Restless
My most missed memories:Being in the best class in my world 4E4
Layer 4: My pick.
Pepsi or coke: Coke
Macdonalds or Burger King: Macdonald
Single or group dates: Single date if not i tend to tok cock wif the other couple's guy
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Vanilla or Chocolate: Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino
Layer 5: Do you?
Smoke: Yeap
Curse: Now n den
Take a shower: DUH!
Have a crush: nope
Go to school: yeap
Believe in yourself: not reali
Think you're a health freak: Nope
Layer 6: In the past
Drink alcohol: Nope
Gone to the mall: Yeap
Dyed your hair: Nope
Layer 7: Have you ever..?
Played a stripping game: Almost
Change who you were to fit in: Nope
Layer 8: Are you hoping to
Get married: Yeap. With a few bubbly children
Layer 9: In a partner
Best eye colour: Like mine
Best hair colour: Black or brown
Long or short hair: Long
Layer 10: What were you doing?
A minute ago: Chatting
An hour ago: Dancing
A Month ago: Performing
A Year ago: Made it clear my decision to break up is real
Layer 11: Finish the sentences..
I love: Someone,friends,food,breaking,being crappy
I hide: Almost everything dat angers me
I miss: Someone,my east climbers,my 4E4,the dome peeps
I need: Someone,to be less stubborn
Layer 12: Tag 5
Monday, October 01, 2007