Meet-ups with the wonderful ladies in my life.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Yesyes people of the world. This week i had the chance to meet the wonderful ladies of my life. My dearest DIANNAH LYCHEE n my two darlings,SHEILA AND IZZA.
On monday,my dearest lychee drag me out of bed w/o even touching me. lol. she gave me a msg asking whether wana meet up to eat or not. cz last friday she cant meet me so it's like making up for it la. den i say ok at 5 plus we meet. den skali at 3 plus she msg me she hungry oready. i like ask her go eat ferst la. haha. she dun wan. den sh ereplied with a sad face. den i liek call her lor. den she like reali drag me out of my bed w/o touching me. lol. den meet her at Causeway Point. we went to eat at banquet. dere we camwhore with my new digicam,jimmy,and ate. lol. after dat go smoke at carpark. more camwhoring session. lol. den i had to go oready cz i have practice den she had to go to meet her boyfriend. here are the pictures:-

Den yesterdae(wednesdae) my dear sheila dralz msg me asking whetehr want to meet her in the afternoon cz she's meeting izza darlz. haha. like wat a chance la for us to get together after two years. LOL. so met up with sheila darlz ferst. was so happy la!!! hug like nvr hug b4. den like we walked ard causeway point to wait for izza to come from tampines. den izza darlz came n we spent tyme together talking n gossiping at orange julius. hahahahhahahahaha. here are the pictures:-

* & she must be 1.6m and above,has a good figure,brown hair with blonde streaks,can sing and into things i do.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
haha. yesyes. it was a weekend of hari raya for me. haha. on saturdae nisa(my "daughter") came with her secondary school frenz to my humble home to raya. najib was dere. lol. so did syakira and her darlingS,regina and sarah. a whole lot of eating n everything. hahaha. den sarah n regina asked me whether i would wan to join them since they're going syafik's house. so i was like y not cz its real reali been a long while since i met dat slacker guy. anyway he can pass me my overdue birthday present. haha. so dat day went quite ok. better den expected actually. except for one part. -.-"
on sunday however!!!! haha. those hooligans(ite college east rock climbers present n past) nvr fails to make me laugh the whole dae n enjoy it. they came my house ferst. imagine me with my shorts just finish bathing n towel at the door inviting them inside the house. hahaha. hysterical!!! den we had a forgiving session. lol. dan funny. cant put the video here ah. haha. i wil try to upload it. hoho. dere was too many fun things happening on dat day dat i duno where to start. so let the pictures( do the talking. well,me,aidi,firman,amin n fadli ended up sleeping over khairah's place. haha. played congkak dat nyte. lol. aidi is such a noob at congkak sia. u should see hw he debate ppl play trick on him to win. lol. it was reali a fun week end. tmr going to climb at ite simei. too bad i cant join the upcoming ock climbing competition cz im werking. damn~ haha. but y watse money wen u can earn them. hohoh.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Im quite content nw hw life have been moving. haha. but this whole week pass so fast. i could only remember wat i did for the past three daes. like seriously. n my body is aching due to all the vigorous activities i've been doing these past 3 daes.
Here's a summary:-
WEDNESDAE: I went with my mum to ICA to make my new i/c. my passport photo look so urgh cz i was forcing my eyes to open while taking the photo. tired la. haha. den appealed for the i/c to paid less. we got it. initially must pay 100 but after appeal pay 60 bucks only. wow~~~ just nid a logical story n a sad face. haha. den after dat went to banquet wlds to have my japanese food. haha. poor mum. i bought a ramen set for 6 bucks cz i ask for more toppings and noodles. delicious baby. feeling naruto la katakn. after dat i wanted more. so i bought this seafood combo where dere is a fried fish,squid and prawns all together on a hot plate. yumyum!!~~ tmr like wan to eat ah. den dat nyte wen to rp to break since i haven practice my breakdance for so long. dammit. im totally rusty i tell u. haha. den ended the dae.
THURSDAE: the nyte b4 i asked aidi whther he wana go ite simei to rock climb or not. but he dun wan. den suddenly he pm me meet at 5pm saying he going. lol. so met the guy at 5pm together with fir. den we headed towards tampines to meet zaini. from tampinesstraight went to ite simei. zaini gave aidi some of his clothes dat he couldnt fit in. haha. some were too big so me n fir took a shirt from the bag. LOL. but aidi will nw have more berms and shirts to go out with. yes~ reach simei n found out dat hatta(an open category climber) was their new coach. lucky he know u oready. lol. so we climb. been a long tyme since i climb. n it was damn syok lor. den went to th epull-up bars to do alot of pull-ups. going home was fun as usual as we were dikir barat-ing the way to tampines interchange. went to mcdonalds to eat. blah blah blah. went home met uzair at the bus stop n asked him abt his NS life. got a few pointers from him.*YES IM GOING NS SOON PPL!!!!! WELL NOT REALI BUT I NOE WEN IM GOING IN*
TODAE:today dear marella krista suddenly called me ard 2pm. i was wondering wat she wanted cz she noes im still asleep at dat tyme. haha. actuali it was because of teh bulletin i made for her. HHAHAHA. i show u guyz.
""""Do you think it is a sign of weakness to cry?
- nope. its a sign of courage to potray ur own feelings on a situation or a person.
If you could stop time at any moment in your life, what would you be doing when you stopped it?
- Grab a whole load of money from the bank,crash a car,make sure someone will poke another person's eyes while walking n simply enjoy the view of the "paused' sunset...:)
Do your parents still treat you as though you are a child?
- which parent doesnt. dey just go,ouh u all grown up oready' but n their heart u will always be their bay boy/girl.
Have you had a falling out with any of your friends lately?
- Yea.
What character in any movie do you feel like and why?
- Hitch from the movie "Hitch". Cz he can help others but nvr helps himself. jz like me. lol.
Would you tell someone the harsh truth, even though you know it would make them angry?
- i wouldnt tell them directly cz harsh truth are meant to be experience n known by oneself alone. but i just give him a clue to get to dat harsh truth.
Would you ever consider changing your sex?
- nope. Everything is perfectly fine with this body of mine. girls got raging hormones worse den guys. u want dat?
If you could change a part of your life but it would effect your present, would you?
- yeap. i would had been with my bidadari den.... *sob sob*
What do you think of the "emo" style?
- the longer ur fringe the cooler u are. phfft.
If you had a time machine, what would be the first year you visited?
- 2020 check hw many kids im having. haha.
What's your most important possesion?
- my heart n *ehem*. HAHAHAHAHAH.
Do you have to like someone to love them?
- dUH. ur socially deprived of love i gez since u ask.
What do you consider love to be like?
- its like guy is blind to see that girl loves him but girl is deaf to hear guy say he loves her. something lyke dat la if u get my drift.
When do you want to die?
- When the tyme comes.
Would you want to live forever?
- nope. u wana see ur frens families and younger generations die all the way?!
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
- i din get to eat real japanese food. haha. no la. nothing dat comes in mind.
Do you know anyone who cuts?
- cut class i noe. cut body parts i dun.
What's on your mind most today?
- Y am i still single.
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
- yup.
Have you ever called a person useless?
- jokingly, yes. seriously, no.
Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings?
- nope.
Something you just don’t understand?
- Girls.
If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
- Hungrily angry.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
- yeap. cz u sometymes choose wat to happen.
Are you there for your friends?
- I seriously duno.
Are you a forgiving person?
- Yeap.
Are you a jealous person?
- Yeapyeap.
How many TRUE friends do you have?
- I do have a few cz u nid tyme to find trust. tyme to experience life with them. tyme to see hw true dey are.
P.S. dis wat happens wen a filipino is angry:
OMG! wala kang malai gawin sa buhay mo no? parang nakaka irita no?! parang iniispam mo lang ang bullettins ko! Parang hindi nakakatuwa! arrgh! mother toot!!! di bali kng pogi, di naman!!"""""
haha. the last part caught her eye duh!~~ haha. so we talked abt dat bulletin n irritate the hell out of her b4 she start her class. hahahaha. den hamster came my house asked me to join him n luminiq to break at studio. so we went. den from studio went to RP to break. reach RP i have an urge to go to their rock wall to see aidi. haha. so me n syafiq went dere. i actually went dere just to see hw things are going. end up i was in a pair of climbing shoes climbing with them. i was dere for an hr plus plus. syafiq on the other hand was enjoying the "view". cz got chinese chicks. LOL. had enuf of climbing n went back to break. dats wen my body start aching lyke hell lyke how it is nw. haha. blah blah blah went back home.
my body aching!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I bet all of u dream to be something. dream to have something. dream to be with someone. dream for sweet moments. dream for the best for urself. well i juz wana share wat my dreams are. kinda random. but ya. cant get to sleep. been tinking alot.
my ferst dream ever since i was a kid was to have a lot of frenz. reali. i din have much frenz till i reach primary 3. n since den,i've always wish i would be frenz with different kinds of ppl. ppl of diffrent colour,different language or different country. heck i even dream abt travelling the world to make frenz wih everyone. cz frenz have been a very very very impt part of my life. dats y i nvr forget them. cz each person i know plays a part in my life be it small or big.
other den dat,i dream to be a doctor. like ya,with the current state i am now im far from being a doctor. lol. but for now,i reali wana be in the media line. like reali. i watch tv alot. and everytyme the credits comes out at the end of a show i will tentatively read ppl's name dat was shown. it might be nothing to some of u,but to the person whose name was featured,it might had been reali meaningful to them. haha. but ya. and one other dream i have nw is to be an established dancer. like reali. sometymes i jz envy hw ppl of my age being so much better of den me as a dancer u noe. for example Hafiz from Styles From Beyond. i kinda envy him u noe. haha. cz like he's my age n he have achieved so much. but den again he started dancing wen i start dancing wen. lol. but ya. i reali want to be an establish dancer. choreograph for schools like Hakim. but ya. i can only dream lor.
let's talk abt the girl of my dreamz. hmmm. DEMI LOVATO!!!!!! hahahahhaha. she's so cute la. she got dis rabbit tooth at the front dat will always makes me go gaga wenever she smiles. haha. n her dimples!!! omg im such a sucker for girls with natural dimples. LOL. but reality check,ain't gona happen ryte. haha. but for real,i had actually found the girl of my dreamz. she's not all perfect but i feel we are just right for each other. ya ya. she does exists in this country call Singapore. but too bad she's attach. (awwww...poor haiqal.......) only god noes who she is. haha. i suck at love thingy. hoho.
n one other dream i have,is dat dis year,on my 19th birthday on 19 December,i can have most of the ppl i noe to be with me. be it my climbers,my dancers,my soccer mates,my ite or secondary sch frenz. but den it would probably be so totally hetic lor. hahahah. but ya. i wana make my birthday dis year special. cz i dun usually have plans for my birthday. last year was with the climbers going to bugis,amk and even wlds to celebrate. we actuali went ard sg in search of swensens to get free ice cream for the birthday boy. LOL. but last year was kinda special. haha.
last thing i ever dream of is dat not to disappoint or upset anyone in my circles of frenz. cz it happened so many tymes. i've upset a lot of ppl dis past years. n it reali upset me too. n i've haven get much sleep tinking thru things i've done in my life. all the bad ones. derez even badder(if dere is such a word) ones too.
well,dis is just a random post. i just cant get to sleep after tossing n turning for the past 2 HOURS. haha. take care ppl of the world.
*apasal siput babi jln perlahan?
sebab dia tgh pk dia siput ke babi.("siput ke babi....siput ke babi.....")
Sunday, October 12, 2008
i cried for the ferst tyme in a long tyme tonight. n it was a gd cry.
those who can read my livejournal go ahead. for the rest,jz figure out wat it is.
*i bet the ferst thing dat comes to ur mind is a girl problem.phftt. im not dat typical.*
Happy 1 Year Anniversary Mastura And Fathu!!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008

I would like to wish these two lovebirds a happy 1 year anniversary!!!!!!!! A year passed so fast huh. is as if lyke yesterdae we were all at titanic hanging ard playing cards and ali pom. lol. they had gone thick n thin together. n as a fren,i very glad dat they are still strong as ever. haha. n somemore they both are one of my closest frenz.
however,i would like to extend my greatest apologies to mastura cz i noe she's very unhappy at me not being able to make it dis saturdae. reali. im reali sori. but for once i would like to do things for myself. yes it is selfish but dis is personal for me. i hope u would understand mastura. so do the rest of the ppl who are coming dis saturdae. i will hopefully join u guyz after the "thing" is done. im reali sori...:S
once again happy 1 year anniversary to u guyz hope ur anniversary date will go smoothly n dat u guyz will enjoy urself like i walways see u guyz do.
p,s,when's my turn? phfft.
Dis is random.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
anyway,i was jz blog hopping jz nw. den i read dis case of a girl having to leave her bf bcoz her heart is stil with her ex boyfren.
den y in the ferst place u go on with him?
like cmon man. the fact dat u chose to be with him has shown dat u got over the old one n getting on with the new. den wat is this? wat... u were in the heat of the moment n just be with him. wat heat are u suggesting u tell me. wah. feeling2 with the guy. tink(*yes they do tink guys*) dat everything gona be just fine ryte after dat. den after every sweet moments,sweet werds,sweet msges and sweet everything,u just realise,"hey. y aint my heart feeling lyke b4 wen i was with HIM". jady maksud dia apa nie(so wats the meaning of this). i dun understand reali. like.. man.... pity the boyfren sia.... dere had always been dat one moment where u actually tink back abt a person. be it ur ex,the one dat had gone to the afterlife or ur frenz dat is sill surrounding u. u always have dat kinda flashback wen ur in a place dat u had been b4 with dat someone. tinking abt the past is one thing. but tinking of wanting to have dat experience again is another.
ok side track to this "past" thing. yea. i do think of the past. ALOT. haha. dats y i cant get to sleep straight away. be it happy or sad moments. cz u see. woodlands itself have hold many relationships/dating/semi-dating/onesidedlove(?) memories for me. from causeway point to evergreen secondary. to marsiling jetty till admiralty hard court. haha. dats just wlds u see. town area is another place where memories had been mould tyme n again. i bet all of u reading dis have precious memories at town area. dun lie ok. haha.
side track again. today wen i was outside. i saw this two young people(YP) dat was like spending tyme with each other. haha. den i like tink baq. wow. secondary school love. some of u had a partner during secondary school ryte? or someone u had a crush on maybe till nw. or a fren who was with the same girl since secondary. im not reali talking abt my two year relationship b4. but ya. those tymes. wen u were young(15-16) having a bf/gf was a rather big issue. haha. wen i tink back on my secondary school daes. i had a lot of "gf"'s till sec 3 wen i decided to settle down with a girl. she noe who she is. but ya. secondary school love life is quite promising i must say. cz u growing as u are loving someone. haha. i was so immature back den. ok nw maybe still a lil bit. but heck. lol. but ya.
y dun u guyz try to take a minute. just sit back or watever,stare into space n tink abt ur past. be it ur secondary school life,the ppl u had been with or things u had done. just tink baq for a moment. smile if u have to. cz everytyme i tink abt my past i always smile. if its a happy moment i smile bcoz i look so happy. if it was a sad moment for me,i still smile cz its funny seeing hw dumb i am. anyvay. i'm off nw.
quoted from Fathu "PhatMan" Rahman,
"Haiqal,kalau satu je tkper tau. at least ok maseh blh find another one. tapi nie tiga tau haiqal. da kira bodoh tau nie tiga org tinggalkn kau. kau mcm a few centimeters away aje dgn drg. abeh drg tinggalkn kau sebab kau ________(fill in the blanks) nie kalau next punyer kau kene tinggalkn jgk. (*me*)mintak kene bunuh kn? hahaha.(*me*)"
I'm not offended watsoever by wat fathu said to me just nw. cz its actually funny wen i tink abt it. cz im dumb. or funny bcoz of the reasons(or some might say excuses) i made for myself. but watever it is. i dun tink dere'll be "another one" dats coming my way. haha. btw,DEMI LOVATO IS MY DREAM GIRL!!!~~!!!
*try to ponder on wat i have written for this post. thx!*
Sunday, October 05, 2008
i duno wat to update actually. so im updating for the sake for updating. ahahhaa.
cant wait to go shopping. anyone out dere wana accompany me?
n yes yes. the application for "who wana be haiqal's hari raya date" is on. hahaha. lek ah. i noe im nt a hot stuff. jz trying my luck. n im not desperate. sheesh.
oh ya. one of the houses i went for raya has sushi. go figure.
so many dance comps coming. but dun tink i will be comepting. everyone seems to be bz. n im stuck at home. shitness.
i wana play soccer again. haiz.
i wana meet the climbers again n climb n crap n train n crap. n crap.
im done. hee.
Selamat Hari Raya
Thursday, October 02, 2008
anyway,ferst day of raya was kind of a drag. i din sleep the night b4. so went for the prayers which i was apparently late for. hehe. so after dat went back home and changed for the proper raya oufit. dis year was red cz i told my mum i wanted red, lol. it was jz a typical cekak musang and the sampin. got chapal dis year so wun be going out with ugly slippers. LOL. haha. after changing was the beg-for-forgiveness session. i bet most of u have trouble on this one cz it was kinda awkward for me. yea. every single year. lol. after dat went to the usual places. went to my grandma's house ferst. eat. den went to her neighbours. my grandma's neighbour's daughter always took care of me wen i was little. haha. i was remembered for dat. now i noe i was reali pampered wen i was little. awww..~
den went to my grandma's mother's house. -.-" i noe. live to a long ripe age. lol. n i hate going dere bcoz dere was TOO MANY PPL!!!! so me n my siblings jz sat in the room till it was tyme to go. haha. den went to alep's house where my father's side of the family will be dere. i was half asleep areadi den. lol. den after dat went to a few more places. at night went to my uncle's house. last hose of the dae. hahaha. alep had to change to his army uniform dere to go back to camp. lol. like me,my brother n my two other cuzzins were like escorts to send him out. LOL. the dae ended with me wanting to watch some vids but in the end went to sleep. lol.
2nd dae just went to two houses. lazy to elaborate on dat one. LOL. here are all the pictures.....