Monday, November 24, 2008
Aidi did this thing. so i tried it. haha. LOL to which superhero i am.
Your results:
You are Superman
Superman |
| 80% |
Catwoman |
| 80% |
Spider-Man |
| 65% |
Supergirl |
| 60% |
Hulk |
| 60% |
The Flash |
| 60% |
Green Lantern |
| 60% |
Iron Man |
| 55% |
Robin |
| 52% |
Batman |
| 35% |
Wonder Woman |
| 35% |
You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
n im this villain,
Your results:
You are Venom
Venom |
| 75% |
Juggernaut |
| 56% |
Riddler |
| 53% |
The Joker |
| 51% |
Two-Face |
| 44% |
Apocalypse |
| 41% |
Dark Phoenix |
| 41% |
Magneto |
| 39% |
Lex Luthor |
| 35% |
Kingpin |
| 35% |
Catwoman |
| 33% |
Dr. Doom |
| 33% |
Mystique |
| 32% |
Green Goblin |
| 16% |
Mr. Freeze |
| 14% |
Poison Ivy |
| 8% |
Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.
Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test
on a serious note,uu are the hero n villain of ur own life. u hva eur own "hero" or "heroin" in ur life. dat amkes u so attach to them. do i have one? i dun tink so. emo-ing is bad for health ppl. so cut those fringes. n u all can live w/o me.
22nd November
Sunday, November 23, 2008
So this wat wat happened on 22nd november:
Woke up with cik hasnah msging dat deres a meeting at zhenghua. =.="
den marshall msg me wana use computer at my house. so he came over. haven seen him ever since he went NS. so like after two months plus baru jumper. hahaha. smoke for awhile. den tyme for me to go to Zhenghua. wtf.....~~~~
So made my way all the way to zhenghua. wtf~ met cik hasnah n her son. saw some of the graffitians with paint making their art exhibition. meeting was a bit of a drag. den ard 4.45 went off baq to woodlands. wtf~....
Reach woodlands n head straight to wlds cc to take our overdue NDP cheque. LOL. got a bit of nagging here n dere from the cc staff. HAHHAHAH. so took the cheque went baq to wlds interchange to meet the Scumbagz to go to Sharazad's birthday pit. reach dere met falah n mas. den fyzah,bo n samad came along. fathu n masod was late. n our dear mastura was kinda pissed off. haha. but i know y dey were late lor. cz apparently alep told mas he was confine in camp wen he wasnt. LOL. so fathu,masod n taufiq i suspect waited for alep la. hahaha.*this is gona be a long post. LOL.*
so we headed to tampines ferst. reach tampines all became lazy bums n took taxi to downtown east. haha. reach dere met up with yan n syamir. den wen dey were oready making their way towards the pit, samad n i were bz at subway queueing to buy COOKIES!!!! it was like 12 cookies for $9.90!!! those big size ones!!!! HAHAHAHAH. so as we both make our way to the pit. we savour three cookies each. fuh. KENCANG SIOL the cookies. hahaha. reach the pit gave the rest the cookies. dere din,azri,chery,sharazad,adi n amar was oready dere. den fyzah fetch her bf to the pit. so very a lot the ppl dere la. haha. we actually had to borrow firestarters from the next pit cz the one we left behind at wlds were nt dere yet.
so the fire started. the rest came. ayul came latest. bcoz of a stupid taxi driver. so we had fun. done.
haha. details ok i give? haha. so played cards. samad n fyzah's boyfren had to dance on the table. LOL. forfeit mah. haha. ate here n dere. present sharazad with her birthday cake baked by Mastura. very proud of mastura cz she actually bakes. who would have tot ryte?!! AHAHHAHA.
so blah blah blah,everyone was ettling down. taking a break. i was cooking with fathu. suddenly,"PAP!!!" butter on chery forehead. LOL. n dats wen the butter-honey-mayonaise-chicken marinate sauce-crab meat-fish ball war started. everyone was practically covered in butter. PLANTA to be exact!!!!!!!! so everyone wen to the toilet to wash up. hahaha. freaking cold lor. den i went to take a few blinks of "sleep". it was so cold i kept coughing. so after half an hr i got up n stay up. clean up the place. by 10 everyone was up. we un-pitched the tents. went downtown east n reali shower. got mcdonald. eat. den go home. yes ah!!! FINALLY FINISH BLOGGING. BYE!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The month of November up till nw is a very emotional month for me. well actually for other ppl not me. reali. ppl had been in all sorts of prediacments. n me noeing it. n tink wat if it happened to me. well,sad reali. some of had pull thru form it. some of them are still going thru it. but at the end of the dae im still single. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.NO LINK!!!!
except for the me being single part,the rest is all true. so ppl out dere. everyone has problems. be it bigger or smaller den urs. but watever it is u can pull thru it. contact 1800-pull-thru for assistance. HAHAHAHAH
n i choreo SINGLE by New Kids On The Block feat Neyo.
wished i could make a vid of it n post it here. hahah. ryte~~
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Before i start with anything,i would to give a shoutout to my dear "star" acquaintance. Hopefully u will get thru this ordeal. hopefully i could see the cheerful "star" dat i know a year before. be strong. be brave. be smart. tyme is a necessity for u ryte nw. u noe it. but do noe dat im always available 24/7. always been always had been. be ok my dear "star". cz i wana see dat sparkle in ur eyes if we were to ever meet again. n i mean if we were ever.
1) What's your 10 most Favourite Foods.
- cookies
- chocolates
- rice with spicy dishes
- japanese food
- fresh lettuce
- fast food
- seafood
- red meat
- potato
- everything else which is halal
2) 10 things I love Doing.
- climbing
- soccer
- chilling
- watch videos
- sleeping by the beach/jetty.
- chatting
- blogging
- livejournal-ing
- eat
3) 5 things I loved doing when I'm EMO.
- write random sentences on a piece of paper
- dance
- listen to song
- knock head on wall
4) 5 things I loved doing when I'm happy.
- dance
- laugh
- daydream
- relax
- eat
5) 5 things I wish to happen
- go ns but stay at home n get paid
- be one of the better dancer in sg
- (HER)
- (SHE)
- Demi Lovato to date me.
6) 5 types of a person of another gender I adore
- sporty
- sweet
- patient
- vogue
7) My 5 most addicted playlist
- Neyo
- refer to above answer
- refer to above answer
- refer to above answer
- refer to above answer
8) 5 Person I wish to tag.
- Fiona Xie
- Haney Hadat
- Oprah
- Wonder Woman
- Demi Lovato
Sunday, November 16, 2008
so today was Floor The Love competition. im in the hip hop category. big phfft. went to SMU with rafi and syafiq. registered. fifteen minutes ltr went in for preliminary rounds. Me n hamster got thru to the top 16. blah blah blah. battled with two guyz from Foreign Bodies. the battle was a tie. after dat we lost the tie breaker. cz somehow the other team's luck was gd as the repeated fast beats was long so dey some took sometyme to "hit" evrything. ouh well. watched the rest of the category. den after dat went to town. chill at taka. me,hamster,syafiq,rafi. talk cock all the way till 9 plus. went to wisma to watch hakim,wawan,elly,gino n reela perform. metas n fathu dere. after dat went baq wlds lepak. den done. go home.
after today,i noe i can be a better dancer. a way better dancer. but i have to practice hard. bboying wise im gona concentrate more on my moves nw. n knowing dat ns is coming reali demoralise me.
Friday, November 14, 2008
hey ppl.
things had been happening. ppl who can read my livejournal u should noe la. haha. i cant update my blog using my comp. duno y. like fuck shit. using hamster's laptop to update. i got floor the love hip hop battle comp tmr. so troublesome. out of 18 teams they gona pick 16. ccb. up against Oschool,Studiowu,SFB,Flairnation. me? im nothing lor. nw gona do a tag thingy by aidiruddin. owe him dis one. lol.
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
muhammad haiqal have been tagged by muhammad aidiruddin
and so, here we go~
1. Do you have secrets?
-like duh. even u have at least one..;p
2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl younger than you?
-no doubt. as u can see from most married couples. they have a specific age range between them. but sometymes the younger ones ryte,their mind like,young. phfft.
3. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
-open up a studio where the raffles dental clinis is at causeway point. send my parents to mecca ferst. wun be opening a buisness yet. chill baby save the money for marriage. but while waiting gona go PARTY~~~!!!!
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
-I FEEL LIKE KILLING U!!!~~~ *duno*
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
-its a give n take situation u see. u give me love i take ur love. i give u love u take my love. but personally,i feel blessed if im being loved. go figure.
7.List out 10 favourite things that u like
-1.My 18th birthdae present.
-6.Girls with dreglocks
-8.Fantastic Crew Cheer Squad
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
-get reali disappointed den be ok cz dere are other rainbow fishes in the sea. but i still be the same though.:)
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
-too much to list.:D
10. What makes you sad?
-being left/ditched.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
-i'd be a cameraman for the best drama series in SG or i be a hotel manager at some 5 star hotel.
12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
-Family,Hooligans,DYK,Fab 4,Luminiq.
13. What is being regarded as the most important thing in your life?
-My ehem-ehem. HAHHAHAHHAHA. no la. my friends for nw.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
-married but poor? cz at least i know i have someone by my side to get our financial statuts better.
15. What is your favourite colour?
16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick?
-quoted from aidiruddin,"they say that a guy thinks of the girl he really likes/loves before he slept at night. so yeah~"
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
-forgive yes. forget nope. memory mah.
18. What do you want to tell the someone you like?
-i suck at dat ok!
19. If there is a choice between lover and friends,which will you choose?
-i choose my mum.
20. Do you believe that there's "True Love"?
-yeap! its like wen u see her walking,everyone ard u just seem to fade away n the only ppl left is just u n her. n wen she talks to u,u would listen to every detail she has to say,chuckle wen needed,hug her wen she's abt to cry,tickle her wen she cracks a lame joke. True love depends on each individual. maybe some of u reading this may have found the person u love. its just a matter of making true(thru) it. get wat i mean? *winks*
5 ppl who's goin to do tis survey.
lazy to elaborate.
Friday, November 07, 2008
i lazy to elaborate so i just write wat i've been up to recently.
1. a bit bz with the zhenghua cc comp.
2. practicing for h-two-o event performance.
3. acting for my fren's project.
4. worked for a rugby event for two daes n got $175 plus $50 tip.
5. been alone n nid company on my hp and at nyte.
dats abt it. bye.